A few extreme examples of comics that Dr. Wertham didn't mention in SOTI, but perhaps should have.
Most of these came out before SOTI, although if you look carefully you'll find some that were published
after SOTI came out but before the Comics Code went into existence.
Feast your eyes on these extreme examples of sex, violence, and gore.
Without trying too hard, you can find rape,
pedophilia, bestiality and necrophilia. Feel free to suggest any we may have missed.
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It's common these days to find mass media such as movies and television presenting the message that love equals sex. You don't have to go back too far in time to find more extreme examples. If you look for them, you can find a number of 1950's romance comics that feature the "love equals rape" theme.
Yes, EC had some covers that could have been criticized by Wertham but were not. But when you compare them to the output of some other publishers, much of EC's output seems almost tame by comparison.
Dr. Wertham found many examples of what he dubbed the "injury to the eye motif." In a way, it's surprising that he missed this, arguably the most notorious "injury-to-the-eye" comic ever.
More to come! What do YOU think belongs on a list of the most outrageous pre-Code comics? We focused primarily on covers, but we're open to suggestions for any covers or interiors from any pre-Code comics.
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