Libraries frequently re-bound SOTI in a customized binding such as these. Styles vary by library.
First printings also have an R colophon on the publication page. Note: The copyright date of "1953, 1954" has sometimes been the cause of some confusion regarding publication date. Prior to the book's publication, portions of it were published in Ladies' Home Journal in November, 1953. Therefore, those portions were copyrighted in 1953. The book in full was published April 19, 1954, so the rest of the book was first copyrighted in 1954.
U.S. second printings do not have the colophon.
U.S. second printings also have a "SECOND PRINTING" notation inside the front flap at the top left.
Only a few copies were released with the bibliography (pp. 399-400)
before these pages were removed by the publisher for fear of lawsuits.
See the bibliography page for the story in Dr. Wertham's words.
If you're lucky enough to have a 1954 edition of Seduction of the Innocent, check where pages 399-400 should be.
You'll probably see just a stub indicating that the page was removed.
It is suspected that no copies of the second print survived with the bibliography intact.
If you know of a second print with the bibliography, please contact
Photo of where pages 399-400, the bibliography, used to be before they were excised by the publisher.
The first and only known U.K. printing has a dust jacket that looks like this.
UK printing, rear of dust jacket.
UK printing, without dust jacket.
UK printing, publication page.
The UK printing does not have the bibliography, but instead has a blank page where pp. 399-400 would have been.
1972 Kennikat Press edition, by far one of the toughest editions to find.
It was not issued with a dust jacket, and has a black cover.
1972 Kennikat Press edition, publication page.
1972 Kennikat Press edition bibliography page.
This likely the first of many modern printings. Presumed fourth printing.
States that it is limited to 80 copies.
Published by Amereon House, Mattituck, New York
This printing is limited to material that was orignally published in SOTI in 1954.
The illustrations in the center of the book are presented in the incorrect sequence.
The book's acknowledgements are printed on page 398 rather than at the front of the book.
There are numerous modern printings of Seduction of the Innocent. Although most claim to be a "limited" printing of 220 copies, new printings come out rather regularly. Don't be fooled by the "limited to 220 copies" claim. A book that purports to be "limited", but is kept in print with repeated pressings, is actually unlimited.
2004 Printing, navy blue cover. Presumed to be the fifth printing.
States that it is limited to 220 copies.
Spine reads "Amereon House", but interior indicates publication by Main Road Books, Laurel, New York.
This is the first of many modern printings that include a new introduction by Wertham biographer James Reibman.
2004 Printing, green cover. Presumed to be the sixth printing.
States that it is limited to 220 copies.
Spine reads "Amereon House", but interior indicates publication by Main Road Books, Laurel, New York.
2004 Printing, blue cover. Presumed to be the seventh printing.
States that it is limited to 220 copies.
2004 Printing, brown cover. Presumed to be the eighth printing.
States that it is limited to 220 copies.
Ninth Printing, navy blue cover, White letters.
States that it is limited to 220 copies.
Released June 1, 2010 on