All-Dynamic #4, February, 1970 |  Alan Light 16-page fanzine with photo and letter from Dr. Fredric Wertham |
Alter Ego #89, October, 1999 |  Mr. Monster presents the Wit and Wisdom of Dr. Wertham |
Alter Ego 128 |  Article about Wertham and SOTI by Carol Tilley. |
Alter Ego #133, June, 2015 |  Wertham article |
Amazing Heroes #123, August 15, 1987 |  The Strange Case of Dr. Wertham by Dwight R. Decker |
Amazing Heroes #124, Sept. 1, 1987 |  The Return of Dr. Wertham by Dwight R. Decker |
Amazing Heroes #125, Sept. 15, 1987 |  From Dr. Wertham With Love by Dwight R. Decker |
Analog December, 1974 |  Review of World of Fanzines. |
Antiquarian Bookman September 25, 1954 |  Review of Seduction of the Innocent that is less than flattering. Thanks to eBayer Papergoy for the information! |
The Audience Studies Reader |  Book that includes a chapter on Seduction of the Innocent |
The Best of RBCC | Interview with Dr. Wertham |
Blab #2 |  Dan Clowes story based on Dr. Wertham cases |
Blab #5 |  "4-Color Frenzy: The Rise and Fall of Crime Comics" by Ray Zone. Includes illos from SOTI. |
Canton (OH) Comic Book Fair program, 1970's |  Although not about Wertham per se, this item features "The Great Comic Book Purge of 1954" about attempts to eliminate the evil influence of comic books in the lives of kids. Read it! |
Censorshi*#2, Summer, 1994 |  Article looking back at SOTI on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the book. Two-page article, plus reproductions from SOTI, from a religious pamphlet called "Awake!", and from the 1955 CMAA Comics Code. |
Coffinworm #7, 1971 |  "Wertham was Right, You Know" story of gay Batman and Robin, by Jeff Anderson |
The Collector #15, 1969 |
Review of Seduction of the Innocent by Steve Schulman |
Collier's, March 27, 1948 , pp. 22-23+ |
Judith Crist "Horror in the Nursery" Read it! |
Comic Book Marketplace #2, |  |
Comic Book Marketplace #12, |  |
Comic Book Marketplace #29, |  "In Defense of Dr. Wertham" |
Comic Book Marketplace #55, January, 1998 |  "More Than Just the Marvel Family- Fawcett took flack from Wertham too!" by Nicky Wright |
Comic Book Marketplace Special #4 |  A "best of" issue that features Wertham from #29 |
The Comic Reader #198, January, 1982 |  Wertham obituary |
Comickazi #1, September, 1969 |  Parody/pseudo-interview with Wertham |
Comicology #4 |  Review of Wertham's A Sign for Cain |
The Comics Buyer's Guide #40, July 15, 1973 |  Full page ad for Wertham's The World of Fanzines |
The Comics Journal #69 |  Wertham obituary |
The Comics Journal #80, 1980 |  'Seduction of the Ignorant' issue. Retrospective defense of comics against the Wertham/Senate Judiciary Committee attacks on them as corruptors of youth. |
The Comics Journal #133, December, 1989 |  Numerous articles re: Wertham, Senate hearings, censorship |
Comics Scene #2, March, 1982 |  Dr. Wertham obituary |
Coronet, June , 1944 , pp. 136-140 |  "A Doctor's Method for Madness", re: Wertham's Dark Legend |
Coronet, March , 1948 , pp. 133-136 |  "Human Salvage in Harlem", about the LeFargue clinic in Harlem founded by Wertham. |
Creem, February, 1976 |  Comics Morality Turns Twenty-one. Three-page article on Wertham and EC and Marvel Comics. |
Dr. Wirtham's Comix & Stories #1-10 | Underground Comix using Wertham's "good" name. Issue 6 pictured. |
Fan Informer #33, June 1973 | Review of Wertham's The World of Fanzines |
Fandom Media #3 | Article on SOTI by Paul Hugli |
Fandom Unlimited #1, July, 1971 | Interview with Dr. Wertham |
Fandom Unlimited #2, Spring, 1977 | Interview with Dr. Wertham |
Fan Scene #1, 1966 | SOTI article by Gary Hood in low print-run fanzine |
Fantastic Fanzine Special #2, February, 1972 |  "The Wertham Panel: Why It Failed" by Zimmerman |
Forbidden 3D |  Chronicles Wertham's anti-comics efforts |
Fortune, April, 1933 pp. 44-49 |  Article on the business of comics |
Golden Age #1, 1965 |  Fanzine with mention of Wertham in Sounding Off column by Rick Weingroff |
Graphic Story Magazine #11, Summer, 1970 , p. 46-47,48 |  "Graphic Story World" Anti-SOTI article by Richard Kyle; Includes Wertham letter on p. 48. |
Guts Magazine #4, 1968 |  Article about Wertham and violence in entertainment media. |
Guts Magazine #5, 1969 | Wertham article in low print-run fanzine |
Inside Comics, #4 |  Wertham article. |
International Journal of Comic Art Fall, 2001 |  Bart Beaty -- Fredric Wertham Faces His Critics: Contextualizing the Postwar Comics Debate Patricia Watson Shariff |
Jet, May 20, 1954, p. 48 | One-page article about Seduction of the Innocent, as Book of the Week pick. Includes Wertham photo, but cites no specific comic books. |
Life, February 23, 1948 |  Harlem's St. Philip's Parish House, with Dr. Wertham |
Locus, #47 (1968) |  Article about Wertham's efforts to collect fanzines for his upcoming monograph, which would later be titled World of Fanzines |
Locus, #252, January, 1982 |  Wertham obituary. |
McCall's, February, 1964 |  Why Murder is Contagious, an interview with Dr. Fredric Wertham |
Media Sight, Fall, 1983 |  Prelude to Seduction of the Innocent: Special Report on NY Legislative Document no. 15, 1951, Report of the New York State Join Legislative Committe to Study the Publication of Comics |
Monster Times #10 | The Spawn of Wertham's Innocents |
Monster Times #22 |  Wertham responds to Don & Maggie Thompson |
Newfangles #31, 1970 | Wertham vs. Fanzines article in the legendary Thompson fanzine |
Newfangles #35, May 1970 | Wertham/Fanzine article in the legendary Thompson fanzine |
Newsweek, May 9, 1949 | "Wertham on Murder", with Wertham photo |
People Today, April 9, 1952 |  Three-page article on Wertham's work in Harlem at the Lefargue clinc. |
RBCC Rocket's Blast Comic Collector #115, 1976 |  Interview with Wertham |
RBCC Rocket's Blast Comic Collector #125, 1976 |  Wertham article |
Redbook, April, 1963 |  Wertham and Alfred Hitchcock debate TV violence. |
Saturday Review of Literature, January 31, 1942 |  Review of Wertham's Dark Legend, by Bertram D. Lewin, M.D. |
Saturday Review of Literature, May 7, 1949 |  Review of The Show of Violence, by William M. Hitzig, M.D. Wertham cover and article. |
Saturday Review of Literature, April 24, 1954 |  Review of Seduction of the Innocent, by Winfred Overholser, M.D. This review, in the same magazine that gave Dr. Wertham lots of press, called SOTI laughable. Read it! |
Saturday Review of Literature, October 20, 1956 |  Review of The Circle of Guilt, by Fredric Wertham, M. D.. The review is by Albert Deutsch, author of Our Rejected Children, which was referenced in SOTI. |
Saturday Review of Literature, November 19, 1966 |  Review of A Sign for Cain: An Explanation of Human Violence, by Fredric Wertham |
Sense of Wonder #12 |  Fredric Wertham Luv Pinup |
Squa Tront #3 |  Wertham article. |
Time March 29, 1948 |  Article about Wertham's anti-comics symposium, "The Psychopathology of Comic Books", with Wertham photo. Read it! |
Trash Compactor V2#2, December, 1988 |  Seduction of the Innocent by Chester Brown |
Vertigo #3 |  "Wertham Revisited" article (5+ pp.) in low-print-run fanzine from the UK. |
Wizard, the Guide to Comics #40 |  The story of Wertham's anti-comics crusade. |