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Seduction of the Innocent

Here is my
list of comic books referenced in Seduction of the Innocent

I'm hoping to add a list of SOTI web resources. If you have any to suggest, please don't hesitate to e-mail me at

For years finding any copy of Seduction of the Innocent has been tough. Because the bibliography was pulled from most copies of the book before it went on sale, finding a copy with a bibliography has always been a real challenge. It took me nearly 20 years to find and purchase a copy of Seduction of the Innocent with bibliography and dust jacket. Now that I finally have it, I can sell off some of the other copies of SOTI that I bought along the way. Plus, when I find a copy of SOTI, I frequently barter to have one more for my inventory. Just e-mail me if you're looking for a copy.

Thanks for checking out my site!

Mostly for my own reference, but maybe you'll be interested in these things too, here's a list of some pre-SOTI articles I'm looking for. Yellow indicates I have it. White indicates that I don't have it. In most cases, that meanas I'm looking for it. The stuff that's related to Wertham's later (Fanzine) years doesn't interest me nearly as much as the pre-Code anti-comics stuff he did.

Comics related stuff I'm looking for
Adult Crudzine Illustrated #1, 1969 Fanzine, print run 200, with Wertham letter
Alien Critic #10, 1974 Fanzine with Wertham letter
Amazing Heroes #123, August 15, 1987 The Strange Case of Dr. Wertham by Dwight R. Decker
Amazing Heroes #124, Sept. 1, 1987 The Return of Dr. Wertham by Dwight R. Decker
Amazing Heroes #125, Sept. 15, 1987 From Dr. Wertham With Love by Dwight R. Decker
American Journal of Psychotherapy, May 1948 (?) Summary of March 19 1948 Symposium
“The Psychopathology of Comic Books”
(Wertham, Gerson Legman, among others)
Atlantic Monthly, March, 1952 Fredric Wertham "A Study of Pain"
Chicago Daily News, May 8th, 1940
Collier's, March 27, 1948 , pp. 22-23+ Judith Crist "Horror in the Nursery"
The Comics Journal #133, December, 1989 Numerous articles re: Wertham, Senate hearings, censorship
Coronet, June , 1944 , pp. 136-140 "A Doctor's Method for Madness", re: Wertham's Dark Legend
Coronet, March , 1948 , pp. 133-136 "Human Salvage in Harlem", re: Wertham's clinic
Commentary#7, 1949 pp. 80-88 Norbert Muhlen. “Comic Books and Other Horrors”
Educational Administration and Supervision #28 (1942) pp. 344-353 Paul Witty, Ethel Smith, and Anne Coomer “Reading the Comics in Grades IV-VII”
Family Circle, February, 1949, pp. 60-63 Harvey Zorbaugh & Mildred Gilman "What Can YOU do about Comic Books?"
Fan Scene#1, 1966 SOTI article by Gary Hood in low print-run fanzine
Fortune, April, 1933 pp. 44-49 Article on the business of comics
The Golden Age#1, 1965 Fanzine with mention of Wertham in Sounding Off column by Rick Weingroff
Graphic Story Magazine#11, Summer, 1970 , p. 46-47,48 "Graphic Story World" Anti-SOTI article by Richard Kyle; Includes Wertham letter on p. 48.
Guts Magazine#5, 1969 Wertham article in low print-run fanzine
Jet, May 20, 1954, p. 48 One-page article about Seduction of the Innocent, as Book of the Week pick. Includes Wertham photo, but cites no specific comic books.
Journal of Education #12 (1944) pp. 14-15 James Landsdowne, “The Viciousness of the Comic Book”
Journal of Educational Sociology Vol 23, 1949. pp. 195-205 Frederick Thrasher. “The Comics and Delinquency: Cause or Scapegoat”
Journal of Educational Sociology December 1949 Disparages Wertham’s theories. Paul Witty begins to publish a series
of academic articles on comic books
Journal of Experimental Education #10 (1941), pp. 105-109 “Reading the Comics—A Comparative Study”
Journal of Experimental Education #10 (1941), pp. 100-104 “Children’s Interest in Reading the Comics”
Ladies' Home Journal, November, 1953 pp. 50-53 Fredric Wertham “What Parents Don't Know About Comic Books”
Ladies' Home Journal, March, 1959 Fredric Wertham “Ten Ways a Child May Tell You He is Headed for a Troubled Teen Age”
Ladies' Home Journal, February, 1960 How Movie and TV violence affect children by Frederic Wertham, M.D.
Life, February 23, 1948 Harlem's St. Philip's Parish House, with Dr. Wertham
The Lure of the Comics British anti-comics pamphlet published by the International Women's Day Committee, April, 1952
McCall's, December, 1947, pp. 24-25+ Selma Robinson "What Do They See in the Comics?"
McCall's, February, 1964 Why Murder is Contagious, an interview with Dr. Fredric Wertham
National-Parent- Teacher, Jan 1942, pp. 29-30 Paul Witty “Those Troublesome Comics”
New Republic, Feb 17 1947 pp. 20-23 Marya Mannes “Junior has a Craving”
Newfangles#31, 1970 Wertham vs. Fanzines article in the legendary Thompson fanzine
Newfangles#35, May 1970 Wertham/Fanzine article in the legendary Thompson fanzine
Newsweek, May 9, 1949 "Wertham on Murder", with Wertham photo
Newsweek, May 3, 1954
The New Yorker, May 8, 1954
Pageant Magazine, December, 1957 What to Tell your Child about Sex Offenders by Dr. Fredric Wertham
Parents' Magazine, February, 1950, pp. 38-39+ Jesse L. Murrell, "Cincinnati Rates the Comic Books"
Parents' Magazine, October, 1950, pp. 44-45+ Jesse L. Murrell, D.D. "Cincinnati Again Rates the Comics"
Parents' Magazine, November, 1952, pp. 48-49+ Jesse L. Murrell, D.D. "Annnual Rating of Comic Magazines"
Picture Post, May 17, 1952 , pp. 33-35 "Should US Comics Be Banned?"
Reader's Digest, August, 1948, pp. 15-18 Fredric Wertham “The Comics . . . Very funny!” Reprinted from Saturday Review of Lit
Reader's Digest, November, 1948, pp. 56-57 “Common Sense about Comics” Reprinted from Parents' Magazine
Reader's Digest, May, 1954 Fredric Wertham "Blueprints for Delinquency! " Likely SOTI excerpt
Reader's Digest, November, 1954 T.E. Murphy "The Face of Violence" anti-comics article. Cites several specific comic books: 1) A murderer who dissects his victims: "He made the first incision across the throat...", "Now I shall make an incision in the upper arm and separate the muscles so that you may identify them." 2) One comic book that shows how to make a cap gun into a deadly weapon. Another that shows how to make brass knuckles from milk-can handles. 3) The cover of Crime SuspenStories #22
RBCC Rocket's Blast Comic Collector #125, 1976 Wertham article
Redbook, April, 1963 Wertham and Hitchcock interview each other.
Saturday Review of Literature, March 20, 1948 John Mason Brown “The Case Against the Comics”
Saturday Review of Literature, March 20, 1948 Al Capp, “The Case for the Comics”
Saturday Review of Literature, May 29, 1948 Fredric Wertham “The Comics . . . Very funny!”
Saturday Review of Literature, February 5, 1949 Fredric Wertham, "IT'S MURDER"
Saturday Review of Literature, July 30, 1949 A Reply to Philip Wylie By Fredric Wertham, M.D.
Saturday Review of Literature, October 1, 1949 Fredric Wertham "The Air-Conditioned Conscience"
Saturday Review of Literature, January 31, 1953 Review of "The Meaning of Dreams", by Calvin S. Hall, An Essay-Review by Frederic Wertham
Saturday Review of Literature, September 19, 1953 Review of I Was a Drug Addict, by Leroy Smith and David Roth, Reviewed by Fredric Wertham, M.D..
Saturday Review of Literature, April 24, 1954 Review of Seduction of the Innocent, by Win fred Overholser, M.D.
Saturday Review of Literature, April 9, 1955
Saturday Review of Literature, October 20, 1956 Review of The Circle of Guilt, by Fredric Wertham, M. D.
Saturday Review of Literature, July 5, 1958 Sins of Their Fathers, by Marjorie Rittwagen, M.D., Reviewed by Fredric Wertham, M.D.
Saturday Review of Literature, November 19, 1966 Review of A Sign for Cain: An Explanation of Human Violence, by Fredric Wertham
Science Fiction Review (The Alien Critic) #12, February, 1975 Fanzine with Wertham letter
Scouting, September, 1954 Anti-comics article
Time, May 3, 1954 , p. 78 "Horror Comics" small article about Kefauver investigation. Article cites Crime SuspenStories #22 cover.
World of Fanzines by Fredric Wertham, SIU Press, 1974
The World Within, Fiction Illuminating the Neuroses of our Time Whittlesey House / Mc Graw-Hill Book Co hc w/jacket, 1947 Introduction by Fredric Wertham.