Just a guy and his collection of comic art.
This is NOT a commercial site with a lot of sales pitches.
This site focuses on two areas:
Most of this art is not for sale yet.*
When my older daughter, pictured at right, is ready for college in 2025,
I'll probably do a big art sell-off to help pay for tuition.
Until then, you can find
the art I am selling on my "For Sale" page.
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Check here to see if I have anything up for grabs on eBay at the moment!
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University Squared strip (Liberty Meadows' predecessor) by Frank Cho.
To paraphrase Teri Hatcher in Seinfeld: yes, it's real.
According to Frank Cho, only about 20 of these strips ever made it out into the collecting public's hands. He didn't like the art
and threw the remainder away!
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Animal Man #2 cover by Brian Bolland
Sold on eBay 9/13/09 $6,001.00
Yes, it hurt to sell it. But it helped my wife and me reach an important goal, so it was worth it.
I'm always open to suggestions for improving this site. What would you like to see?
*There are a very few pieces, such as my Douglas Potter art and my cover to Dark Horse Presents #18, and my Alex Ross Marvels page, that I can't imagine parting with at any price.
There are other pieces that I intend to keep for another 15 years (the Golden Star Wars page, for example),
but which I might be convinced to part with sooner if the offer is right.
We all know censorship sucks! Below you'll find some links that help demonstrate the
horrors of censorship.
You'll find a list of all the comics referenced by the Mad Dr. Wertham, as well as a couple copies of SOTI for sale!
I am proud to support this non-profit comics organization:
I hope you'll learn more about them and decide to support them also!